
Product Lifecycle for Xilinx 7 Series extended

This week AMD Xilinx announced that the life cycle of the Zynq 7000 SoC portfolio is being exte...

TOPIC contributes to development of DRW’s next-generation SAMBA platform

We are proud to contribute with our projects team to the development of the third-generation SAMBA&n...

TOPIC joins development of the CSP for SKA-Low telescope

The SKA telescope project is an international effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope, w...

Xilinx Partnership renewed for 2022

This week TOPIC's Xilinx Premier Alliance Partnership for 2022 is renewed. Our partnership with Xili...

Whitepaper | Dyplo 2.0: FPGA centric software acceleration made easy

This week we released our Dyplo 2.0 version! What is Dyplo about? Dyplo is TOPIC’s Dynamic Proce...

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