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Project features:
Fast analog interfaces between digital logic and photonic circuits using amongst others, state-of-the-art RF-SOC technology of AMD. Synthesis of complex mathematical models into RTL using high-level-synthesis (HLS) techniques.
Optalysys (www.optalysys.com) has developed a photonic implementation of a cryptography solution using a fully homophormic encryption (FHE) method. FHE requires a massive computational power and as a result lots of energy. Where the computational effort is solved by the photonics chip, still the data needs to be exchanged with the photonics chip using electronics interfaces running at high speeds.
FHE is based on Fourier Transform (FT) and Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) functions. The Etile™ photonic chiplet is the core of the optical processing, implementing the FT/NTT. A constellation of Etile™ chiplets and FPGA-based electrical interfaces enable this encryption technology to be applied in real-world applications that were not feasible before.
TOPIC is responsible for the analog data interfacing between the photonic chip and the controlling FPGA, with the future goal of the electronics miniaturization of the FPGA solution into the data center infrastructure. The communication with the Optalysys FHE photon chip requires an extreme data bandwidth. Using the latest state-of-the-art AMD RFSOC technology, this connectivity is implemented.
The communication with the FHE device requires data pre- and post- processing, involving complex mathematical operations. These operations have to match the required communication data rates. With the domain know-how of homomorphic encryption of Optalysys, TOPIC implements the required mathematical operators, modelled using untimed abstract C/C++ models into logic gates using the AMD high-level synthesis technique.
The communication with the FHE device requires data pre- and post- processing, involving complex mathematical operations. These operations have to match the required communication data rates. With the domain know-how of homomorphic encryption of Optalysys, TOPIC implements the required mathematical operators, modelled using untimed abstract C/C++ models into logic gates using the AMD-Xilinx high-level synthesis technique.
The combination of the groundbreaking photonic chiplet of Optalysys in combination with the FPGA and board design expertise of TOPIC, a cutting-edge solution for data security problems materializes.
If you want to learn how TOPIC experience can help you enable your technology in the real-world on short term with high quality, just contact us to connect.
For more information on the FHE go to: https://optalysys.com/what-is-fully-homomorphic-encryption/
In our contribution and know-how you can count on our expertise in Safety Integrity Levels 3 and 4
Our solutions enable unmanned vehicle control : using Simulink and Python, we model the complete functional behaviour of a system
Started from an idea and a research model, we developed this delirium monitor. From initial concept via prototype, optimization to industrialization to a (medical) product
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